Thursday, February 10, 2011

Prolactin Hormone

Prolactin Hormone Disorder In Lactating Mothers like Metoclopromide, Chlorpromazine, anti-depressants like Amitriptyline & Fluoxetine

2. Underactive thyroid gland

3. Prolactinomas - Prolactin-producing tumour of the pituitary gland. Prolactinomas occur most commonly in those under 40 years old. They are rare in children.

These prolactin tumors are about fives times as common in women as men. Lactating mothers face this problem usually. These tumors account for at least 30 % of all pituitary tumours.

What are the symptoms of Prolactin hormone disorder ?

In Men

1.Decreased sexual interest Infertility Impotence Headache/ visual changes
4.Headache/visual changes

In Women

1.Abnormal milk flow for lactating mothers from the breast not related to nursing or childbirth (galactorrhea)
2.Cessation of menses not related to menopause
3. Infertility
4.Decreased sexual interest
5. Headache/visual changes

What is the treatment of Prolactin hormone disorder?

Most patients with Prolactin tumours are treated with:

1. Bromocriptine (two or three times a day).
2.Cabergoline long acting and requires one or two doses per week

Prolactin levels often fall to normal within a few weeks of starting the treatment. In women, once prolactin has fallen to normal, menstrual cycles usually resume and fertility is restored in most cases. In men, testosterone levels may rise to normal, which brings an improvement in sex life.

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