Thursday, February 10, 2011

Coccyx Pain

 Coccyx Pain

Coccyx pain is a big problem for many suffering patients. Pain in the tailbone is a limiting condition which can drastically reduce mobility, comfort and functionality. The medical term for this general symptom is Coccydynia, but most patients simply call this troublesome condition a “real pain in their butt... literally”.
Coccyx Pain Effects
Tailbone pain is commonly a chronic concern which can last for months or even years. Due to the sensitive nature of the coccyx region, patients develop prohibited behaviors due to their painful symptoms. Patients often have trouble sitting or lying down and might even develop insomnia in response to the inability to find a comfortable sleeping position. A painful coccyx is especially serious for people who must sit for long periods of time. Hours of seated activity with a painful tailbone can seem like an eternity in Hell on Earth…

Causes of Coccyx Pain

There are three common scenarios that cause the vast majority of all tailbone pain syndromes:

* Back Injury. Falls are the most common cause of tailbone injury. Falling while going down stairs, getting in or out of the bathtub, or sitting down are the most likely to generate the proper angle to fracture or bruise the coccyx. A bruise can be very painful but will usually resolve without any treatment in a matter of weeks. A fracture might take months to fully heal and can cause pain for an extended time period. Any suspected fracture should be examined by a qualified doctor.

* Pregnancy Back Pain is another cause of coccyx injury, but in this case the occurence is less obvious. When giving birth, the woman’s coccyx can sometimes be injured by the baby’s head, as the child travels through the birth canal. Due to the pain of childbirth, this additional pain is rarely noticed until several days after the birth. Any unexplained postpartum tailbone pain should be reported to your doctor at once.

* Psychosomatic Back Pain is THE MOST COMMON form of common back ache, regardless of where symptoms are experienced. The coccyx is a typical region for a patient to develop a chronic psychosomatic pain syndrome. Patients who have suffered a previous injury to their coccyx are especially susceptible to this phenomenon. It is important to recognize that physical pains will heal with time and/or treatment. Long term treatment resistant back pain is rarely caused by an anatomical condition and is almost always the result of a symptomatic psychogenic syndrome.

Recommendation on Coccyx Pain

Coccydynia is a condition which is on the rise among patients. The back pain industry loves tailbone pain, since the treatments can be so incredibly profitable. Most patients with chronic coccyx symptoms spend many months enduring conservative back pain treatments until they acquiesce to surgery which removes the entire coccyx. This procedure is expensive and quite easy for the surgeon to perform. All told, every patient with long term tailbone pain is a cash cow for doctors who specialize in treating coccyx related pain syndromes.
Before undergoing ANY drastic medical treatment for unexplained coccyx discomfort, make sure that you are not suffering from a psychosomatic expression of pain. Knowledge therapy will separate the psychological causes from the physical conditions with relative ease. Research the topic of coccyx ache thoroughly and I am sure you will discover that this is one of the most common forms of idiopathic back pain. Some day, doctors will realize that most these idiopathic conditions are actually due to the complex interaction between the mind and the body. Until then, you must be vigilant and play an active role in your own coccyx symptom treatment or else you too might find yourself misdiagnosed and undergoing unnecessary surgery for a condition which can be cured completely by the patient.

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